6-Car Accident on Westlake Reminds Us to Slow Things Down and Keep a Proper Lookout

Kiro is reporting that a 6-vehicle accident happened on January 22nd near the intersection of Crockett and Westlake Avenue North. One of the cars was an Uber car – a service similar to a taxi provided by private vehicles via an app on your iPhone or smart phone. Based on the article, it sounds like speed was a big contributor to the accident. This is often the case on our busy streets where drivers fly through intersections without keeping a proper lookout.
Multiple car accidents pose some challenges to the injured victims largely because you may have disputes over who caused the accident. You also have challenges to determine what insurance companies and coverages will apply. If one driver injuries multiple people in, for example, a three-car pile up, you could be in a situation where the insurance coverage is simply not enough to compensate everyone fairly. In that case, you will certainly need a car accident lawyer who can help you navigate through this situation.
The accident on Westlake also likely will involve interesting questions about how Uber functions and the insurance available to the passenger. If you are injured in a car accident or a multi-car pile up like the one referenced in this post, feel free to contact our firm and speak with one of our attorneys.