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Category Archives: Nursing Home Abuse


Breaking Down a Nursing Home Abuse Claim

By Justin Dale |

Nursing home abuse, unlike nursing home neglect, is an intentional tort. Usually, the result, a personal injury, is unintentional. The conduct was intentional, which in this context basically means non-accidental. A personal injury is just the beginning of the damages in these cases. Usually, the tortfeasor (wrongful actor) as a caregiver, nursing home employee,… Read More »

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Bedsores and Nursing Home Negligence

By Justin Dale |

Pressure ulcers, one of the most common nursing home injuries, develop unless a resident turns over in bed at least once every two hours. Bedsores most often develop on skin that covers bony areas of the body, such as the heels, ankles, hips and tailbone. Cellulitis and cancer are two of the most common… Read More »

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The Two Major Components of a Nursing Home Abuse Claim

By Justin Dale |

Nursing home abuse, such as assault or false imprisonment (e.g. blocking a doorway) is an intentional tort in Washington. The conduct, not the result, is intentional. Stressed nursing home workers usually don’t intend to hurt residents when they push, shove, or otherwise assault them. Usually, these workers just want the resident to sit down… Read More »

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Five Kinds of Nursing Home Neglect

By Justin Dale |

Severe understaffing, a problem that affects over 90 percent of the long-term care facilities in King County, is usually the root cause of nursing home abuse. Overworked nursing home employees often act inappropriately towards each other and towards residents. Additionally, in understaffed environments, nursing home owners often hire under-qualified professionals or expect one person… Read More »

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What Are the Most Common Injuries Sustained by Nursing Home Residents?

By Justin Dale |

Nursing homes are meant to be a safe haven for elderly individuals who need extra care and attention. However, the unfortunate reality is that nursing home residents are often subject to a number of injuries, some more common than others. This can be devastating for both the residents and their family members. If your… Read More »

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Signs of Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect to Watch Out for When Visiting Your Loved One

By Justin Dale |

As our loved ones get older, it is common for them to require additional care that we are not able to provide ourselves. When this becomes the case, seeking additional help through a nursing home can be the best option. As much as we would hope that these homes would provide the support and… Read More »

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5 Types Of Evidence To Help You Prove Nursing Home Abuse Or Neglect

By Justin Dale |

When it comes to nursing home abuse and neglect, proving these claims in court can be a difficult task. It is essential that you have evidence of neglect or abuse in order to build a strong case. Below, we will discuss what types of evidence can help you prove that your loved one was… Read More »

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