Category Archives: Personal Injury

Breaking Down a Nursing Home Abuse Claim
Nursing home abuse, unlike nursing home neglect, is an intentional tort. Usually, the result, a personal injury, is unintentional. The conduct was intentional, which in this context basically means non-accidental. A personal injury is just the beginning of the damages in these cases. Usually, the tortfeasor (wrongful actor) as a caregiver, nursing home employee,… Read More »

Defective Products and Swimming Pool Drownings
A swimming pool’s drain might be the most important component of a backyard or public swimming pool. A well-working drain makes a pool much healthier and safer. The drain helps ensure a continuous flow of clean water. It removes chlorine and other harsh chemicals and also prevents bacteria from growing. By the same token,… Read More »

Insurance Company Defenses in Bicycle Accident Cases
Most bicycle accident defenses contest two basic issues: damages or liability. Damages basically means the amount of compensation the victim is entitled to. Insurance company lawyers often claim that the victim’s injuries were exaggerated, especially if the victim doesn’t immediately seek medical treatment. But in this post, we’ll focus on liability defenses. Damages are… Read More »

Breaking Down a Minor Settlement in Seattle
The Supreme Court has held that underage individuals have basically the same legal rights as people over 18. Forming a contract, including a settlement agreement, is the primary exception. Car crashes and other personal injury incidents often injure children. So, attorneys must make special arrangements in these cases. Since over 95 percent of these… Read More »

At-School Injuries: Who is to Blame?
Online schools are more common today than ever before. But over 90 percent of Washington kids attend public school. School administrators assume responsibility for student safety, as well as student education, when kids walk through the doors. Schools are not above the law. Instead, they’re accountable to the same principles of negligence and injury… Read More »

School Bus Accidents in Seattle
The school bus driver shortage has hit crisis proportions and now threatens the health and safety of students, faculty, and other motorists. Over 90 percent of school administrators say the school bus driver shortage significantly affects day-to-day operations. As a result, many school districts rely on substitute drivers who have little experience behind the… Read More »

What to Expect in a Bicycle Injury Case
Bicyclists often suffer such severe injuries in collisions that their medical bills can be significant. These victims have no protection from oncoming vehicles, other than thin bicycle helmets. Ironically, according to some research, bicycle helmets might do more harm than good. They give both riders and tortfeasors (negligent drivers) a false sense of security…. Read More »

Bedsores and Nursing Home Negligence
Pressure ulcers, one of the most common nursing home injuries, develop unless a resident turns over in bed at least once every two hours. Bedsores most often develop on skin that covers bony areas of the body, such as the heels, ankles, hips and tailbone. Cellulitis and cancer are two of the most common… Read More »

Building a Bicycle Accident Claim
As outlined below, evidence is the most important part of a bicycle accident claim. A victim/plaintiff must prove negligence, or a lack of care, by a preponderance of the evidence (“more likely than not”). Although this burden of proof is very low, there’s usually a relationship between the amount of evidence a victim/plaintiff presents… Read More »

What Causes Bicycle Accidents in Seattle?
Driver error, mostly the two kinds of driver error discussed below, causes over 98 percent of the bicycle wrecks in King County. These collisions often cause catastrophic injuries, such as head injuries. Helmets only prevent a handful of these injuries. When riders fall off their bikes and hit the ground, their brains violently slam… Read More »