Category Archives: Recent News

New law may allow motorcycles to ride on shoulder of highway
A new piece of legislation was recently proposed that would allow Washington motorcyclists to drive on the shoulder of the road and pass on the left if traffic backed up. The law would permit a motorcyclist to move onto the shoulder and move around traffic congestion as long as the motorcycle does not exceed… Read More »

UW Student Settles Police Brutality Case Against City of Seattle
The Seattle police were in the news again recently after a victim of police brutality settled his claim for $100,000. The FBI is now investigating the situation in which the student was beaten and thrown to the ground where he suffered a broken nose and fractured cheekbones. The pictures in the article show the… Read More »

Washington Legislature Closer to Raising Limits of Mandatory Arbitration
The House in our state’s legislature passed legislation to increase the limits for mandatory arbitration to $75,000. Mandatory arbitration is a process where cases can be moved into arbitration rather than trial for cases that fall below a certain amount in terms of the compensation a plaintiff is seeking. The current limit for monetary… Read More »