Can I Sue The Property/Business Owner For Third-Party Violence Injuries?

Have you been injured because of third-party violence on someone else’s property or business? If so, you might be wondering whether you can sue the property or business owner. The answer to this question is not a simple yes or no. It depends on the circumstances and laws in your state.
If you have been injured due to third-party violence while visiting someone else’s property or business, it is essential to consider all aspects of your situation prior to deciding whether filing a lawsuit is right for you. Contact our Seattle premises liability lawyers at Emerald Law Group to discuss the facts of your case and determine if you can sue the property or business owner for your resulting injuries and losses.
What Is Third-Party Violence?
Third-party violence refers to incidents of aggression that occur between two parties other than the owner of a property or business. It could involve physical altercations between two people, acts of vandalism, or any other type of intentional misconduct that leads to injury to another person.
According to the Washington State Department of Health, more than 43,000 people in the state died from injury and violence over the past decade. Many of these deaths were the result of third-party violence on someone else’s property.
Can You Sue the Property/Business Owner?
The short answer is maybe. Generally speaking, when an incident occurs on someone else’s property due to third-party violence, that person may be held liable for damages if they were negligent in their duty to keep visitors and customers safe from harm. In order for this to be true, though, there must be evidence that proves negligence on behalf of the property/business owner.
This means showing that they knew about potential threats but failed to take steps to address them—for example, failing to provide adequate security measures such as cameras or security guards in specific areas. In some cases, it may even mean proving that the property/business owner was aware of past incidents but failed to act accordingly despite having knowledge of these risks.
If it can be proven that negligence was a factor in your injury due to third-party violence, then yes—you may have grounds for a lawsuit against the property/business owner in order to seek compensation for damages and losses incurred as a result of your injuries. However, keep in mind that each case is unique and should be evaluated by an experienced attorney who can help you understand your rights and options under local laws regarding personal injury claims stemming from third-party violence incidents.
Get the Legal Assistance & Guidance You Can Trust
Navigating premises liability law following an incident involving third-party violence can be tricky, especially when suing the property or business owner. Consulting with an experienced attorney will help ensure that your rights are protected throughout the process and increase your chances of obtaining fair compensation for any losses resulting from your injuries sustained due to third-party violence on someone else’s premises. Contact Emerald Law Group to discuss your rights and determine what your legal remedies are. Call 206-826-5160 for a free case review.