Monthly Archives: August 2023

Electronic Evidence in Car Crash Claims
Tech-savvy King County jurors respond very well to electronic evidence. Moreover, most King County courtrooms have large HDTV screens, and jurors expect to see something on these screens. Furthermore, such evidence is often more legally reliable than eyewitness or other kinds of evidence. Therefore, electronic evidence could be the key to meeting the burden… Read More »

The Five Kinds of Driving Impairment
One or more of the five kinds of impairment listed below causes most of the car crashes in Washington. For many years, nearly everyone used the much more comfortable word “accidents” to describe these incidents. But people accidentally leave the lights on. They don’t accidentally drive while fatigued and cause wrecks. So, increasingly, “car… Read More »

What Causes Bicycle Accidents in Seattle?
Driver error, mostly the two kinds of driver error discussed below, causes over 98 percent of the bicycle wrecks in King County. These collisions often cause catastrophic injuries, such as head injuries. Helmets only prevent a handful of these injuries. When riders fall off their bikes and hit the ground, their brains violently slam… Read More »

Five Kinds of Nursing Home Neglect
Severe understaffing, a problem that affects over 90 percent of the long-term care facilities in King County, is usually the root cause of nursing home abuse. Overworked nursing home employees often act inappropriately towards each other and towards residents. Additionally, in understaffed environments, nursing home owners often hire under-qualified professionals or expect one person… Read More »

A Closer Look at School Bus Stop Arm Violations
99 percent of motorists agreed that passing a school bus on the left when children are getting on or off is the most dangerous traffic violation. Actions speak louder than words, and in this case, the actions broadcast the opposite message. At least one stop arm violation per day happens somewhere in King County…. Read More »

Starting and Ending a Clergy Sexual Abuse Case
Washington was one of the first jurisdictions in the nation to abolish the statute of limitations in these cases, if the victim was under 16 at the time of the abuse. Lawmakers also extended the SOL in most other sexual abuse cases. The statute of limitations, which cuts off a victim’s right to obtain… Read More »

Breaking Down a Slip-and-Fall Claim
Every year, slip-and-fall injuries send over eight million Americans to hospital emergency rooms. Common wounds include a head injury and a broken pelvis. In many cases, these injuries are life threatening. In all cases, these wounds have severe physical and emotional effects. Broken bones can cause permanent loss of mobility. Emotionally, to avoid another… Read More »

What to Expect in a Dog Bite Claim
Our team Seattle dog bite lawyers guarantee to work hard every day, build a strong case, and fight for you in court. We don’t let up until we obtain the best possible results under the circumstances. This result usually includes compensation for economic losses, such as medical bills, and noneconomic losses, such as pain… Read More »

What Are the Most Common Injuries Sustained by Nursing Home Residents?
Nursing homes are meant to be a safe haven for elderly individuals who need extra care and attention. However, the unfortunate reality is that nursing home residents are often subject to a number of injuries, some more common than others. This can be devastating for both the residents and their family members. If your… Read More »